Apples are America’s favorite fruit and different varieties grow throughout the different regions of the United States. Ferguson’s Orchards grows over 30 varieties of apples including favorites Honeycrisp, SweeTango, Pazazz, Zestar, Paula Red, and Cortland. The Eau Claire orchard has 60 of its 130 acres dedicated to apple trees.
Every apple variety is a little different to grow but overall they all have the same necessities – sun, water, and nutrients – to grow into the perfect apple.
Apple trees are a long-term commitment and investment. Cared for properly, an apple tree can produce apples for 30 years or more. Ferguson’s gets apple trees from plant nurseries when they are about 2 feet tall – basically a stick with roots. They plant the young trees in the ground and then build the support system around it to help the tree thrive. The trellis system Ferguson’s uses looks a bit like a wine vineyard grape trellis system. It helps support the apple trees so they can put all their energy into growing apples, not growing huge root systems to support the weight of the apples.
With the trellis system, Ferguson’s installs a drip irrigation system on each apple tree that drips water onto the tree’s roots. With the drip system the apple farmers are able to use a lot less water than sprinkler systems that spray water into the air to disperse it, which causes a lot of water to evaporate and be wasted.
Apple trees start producing fruit about 3 years after they’re planted on the orchard, and they ramp up year by year until they hit peak apple production at about 6 years. Apple trees can stay at peak apple production for 20 – 30 years with good care.
Caring for apple trees is a year-round project.
The cycle starts in the winter when every apple tree is pruned by hand to cut off certain branches. The goal of the pruning is to help the tree create the perfect canopy – or leaf covering – that is not too dense or shaded for apples to grow in the summer. Spring time is an important time for apple trees. As the temperature warms up they bloom with white and pink flowers, and lots of bees fly around and pollinate the trees so that they grow apples.
Summer time is when the apples grow from a pea-sized bud to a full sized apple of up to 3 or 4 inches in diameter. During the summer farmers tend to each tree, making sure they have enough water and nutrients, and mowing the grass between the apple trees to keep insects and pests under control.
And in the Fall, every apple is picked by hand.